Where programmers turn into MedTech professionals.
Where product developers turn into digital health specialists.
And where everyone is bounded by the same goal: creating technology that brings health benefits to its users.
Where programmers turn into MedTech professionals.
Where product developers turn into digital health specialists.
And where everyone is bounded by the same goal: creating technology that brings health benefits to its users.
Working exclusively on projects that positively impact the health and lives of others.
That’s 1 thing you will find only in Untitled Kingdom. You may not know us, but you know the results of our work.
Consider everything you’ll read below as an invitation to find out more.
Join us to create technology that matters.
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Read more about the annual program for beginner-developers
Work culture for a healthy workplace

No shortcuts. No compromises.
We maintain high-quality code and high-quality relationships.


No secrets and no sugar coding.
Easy access to any needed information. Always inviting feedback and open communication - with UK partners and each other.


No matter what happens - we support each other.
We work as a unit and have a voice in decisions that affect us. And, yes, we eat together a lot.

People over process
The phrase you’ll hear at almost every
Untitled Kingdom meeting is
Experiment. Fail. Learn. Repeat.
UK’s biggest successes came shortly after the
biggest failures. So we allow ourselves to make
mistakes, only to learn from them and improve.

UK Benefits
Change the world (yes, really!).
Help people with hearing loss hear the music again. Let mothers move with more freedom. Do it every day, 5 days a week.

Learn on your own terms.
2,5 hours per week for self-development. Plus, with flexible learning budget, we’re paying for any course or book of your choice.
We’re working remotely, but the office is open for you when you need it.
It includes dedicated space for teamwork, lab work, workshops, chilling, oh my!

GRADES system supporting your development.
Your salary depends on your skills. So we developed a coherent feedback system you can use twice a year.
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