Why you don’t want outsourcing for your product

So you already managed to turn your idea into a startup. Funding is no longer your concern, and your vision of the product is clear. You’ve got a concept of your final product, and you know that to develop it properly, you would also need a team of savvy experts. At this point, you are probably considering outsourcing at least some parts of the development process. Well, before you start browsing portfolios, think twice — passing particular tasks to freelancers may turn out to be just not a right path to follow.
Mobile app development is not a jigsaw puzzle
Even the most revolutionary ideas are worth nothing more but a tap on the shoulder, if they are not put into practice as a whole. More than often, splitting the process of development between multiple contractors is a direct cause of development failures. In fact, execution and communication difficulties (tech jargon, time zones, lack of coordination, etc.) may make your project ‘lost in translation.’

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Think about this: You want to build a picture out of small pieces of puzzles. None of the pieces is broken, and actually, you pay a lot of effort to complete your masterpiece. At the end of the process, though, you realise that you can’t complete your project because the puzzles do not match. Outsourcing deliverables happen to work pretty much the same. As a result, you may end up spending more money on a project due to mismanagement and miscommunication.
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Effective cooperation in mobile app development
What if you gathered all the people developing your app under the same roof? Would they make a team from a day one? You know they won’t. It takes a lot of time for a bunch of strangers to integrate and to learn how to cooperate. In fact, your product needs a group of devs, who already do the teamwork, have a constant opportunity to interact, share thoughts, provide each other with feedback and keep you updated at the same time. Fancy getting the whole package? This is what you’ll probably achieve if you decide to put your project in the hands of an integrated team.
You can find them working together in software companies or digital product studios (the latter ones would give your project more complex support).
Know each other and be in touch
Every digital product studio has its own idea of accelerating the process of team building. At Untitled Kingdom, for instance, new projects always start with kick-off workshops to make sure that everyone involved in a project understands its background and motivations. Together, we also set up the roadmap and the basic agenda of future product development. Later, when the process is already on, we keep our partners updated thanks to daily stand-up calls. Being in touch minimalises the risk of misunderstandings and enables quick reaction in case of accidental understatements.
Play with open cards
Let’s be real — to build partnership and loyalty, we need to first build trust. While choosing a product development studio,it’s good to look for a company that’s transparent in all its transactions. Keep in mind that every interaction works both ways — don’t hesitate to share your ideas, doubts, and insights with your team. Being forthright with all interactions simplifies the process of developing your app and builds the bigger picture of your expectations and needs. If you let your thoughts out, the team analyses the risk and provides you with feedback. Demanding as transparency may seem at the beginning, it considerably boosts the process of team building and improves the quality and efficiency of communication.
Wrap up
There is a story behind every successful product. It’s the story of people who got the idea and people who carefully crafted it, to make the concept real. The quality of the app development determines the final shape of your app and the potential it may reach. When choosing your team, think long term and make your puzzles match from the very beginning.