One month of work at Untitled Kingdom: the diary of a new hire

Throwback Thursdays rock! :)
On today’s occasion, let’s jump back to 2016, when I joined Untitled Kingdom’s team. That’s a lot of good memories at one place! :)
(*text originally posted in June 2016)
Day 1.
I’ve crossed the doorstep with a note of uncertainty. Changing the workplace always comes with a slight fear of the unknown, but this time, to make it funnier, the unknown was Untitled. With butterflies in my stomach and a pile of questions in my head, I pulled the door handle and came in.
I’ve spent my day getting through the technical onboarding and having an occasional chit-chat with the team — no surprise here. As we are moving the office in 2 days, everyone seems pretty absorbed with the removal. I just hope our next office will be as cozy as the present one.
Day 2.
Well, it’s not. Actually, it’s way better! Together with Peter, our CEO, we went for a walk to brainstorm the details of my responsibilities and see the new place a day before moving in. It’s spacious, smart-designed and definitely worth the whole fuss. Just can’t wait for the rest of the team to see it tomorrow.

Untitled Kingdom team in our new office
Day 5.
Never stop learning, cause life never stops teaching. At Untitled Kingdom, this is one of the golden rules. During my job interview, Peter explained me the basic assumptions of the company. “It’s OK to make mistakes, as long as you draw your conclusions and learn”- he said one day.”
Over this week, I really tried to make my work perfect. Biggest. fail. ever. Getting used to new tools, new office (oh, wait — 2 offices!), new team and their structure, new requirements, customs and company’s policy… Although putting all my efforts every day, I still felt quite lost at times.
So, yes, I made mistakes. And every time I made them, I got nothing but a friendly ‘don’t you worry’. Well, it seems Peter’s words were not just an empty claim.
Day 9.
Today I had a talk with Peter. He asked about my impression of the onboarding process. “I know we might have paid more attention to you in the beginning. We were all busy with the removal.”- He said.
This made me think. Regardless of the moving out fuss, I found the team extremely helpful since the day I got onboard. With Bart (CSO) and Sara (ASO hero) on my side, I always got a helping hand when things were getting crazy. And I neither needed nor expected more.
But the very fact of Peter’s concern gave me the feeling of comfort. In theory, I knew that Untitled Kingdom’s culture of work emphasises the importance of the quality of the process, not solely its result. That moment, however, I got to know the meaning of this rule in practice.
Well, I’m not gonna lie- it’s freaking nice to be onboard.

From the left: Sara, Me and Bart
Day 14.
It’s been two weeks since I joined Untitled Kingdom. Let’s move to my checklist:
Remember the names of all your colleagues — ✓
Integrate- become a part of the team — ✓
Understand the tools you are using on daily basis- ✓
Figure out the rules and the culture of work — ✓
Set up your short-term goals and long-term roadmap — ✓
Make your short-term goals happen — in progress.
Not bad. I’m feeling increasingly more at home with my job. Also, I’m continuously improving. Here at Untitled Kingdom, time flies, and it always comes with experience.
Day 17.
On our weekly stand-up, Peter introduced us to Sławek — our new iOS intern. It means I officially stopped being the newest member of the team. Ha! :)
Day 24.
At Untitled Kingdom, all cards are put on the table. Transparency is the condition of both inter-team relations and team-to-client contacts.When I joined the team three weeks ago, I was not sure if the rule is actually put into practice or is it just an idyllic cliché which just improves company’s PR.
Over this time I’ve learned that here, at Untitled Kingdom, rules are never fake. The transparency policy reflects on each and every aspect of company’s life: from total sincerity and straightforwardness to sharing company’s financial report with the team. It makes things fair and easy. Together, we are a team — with our goals set and minds open, what’s the point of pretending, anyway?
Day 30.
It’s celebration time! Hugo, our CTO, has his birthday today. For this occasion, we got a short stand-up to sing a birthday song and hand him a gift. I think I never saw him smiling that broadly :)
I’m glad we’re a product and software development company with a family approach and a cordial environment. It’s way easier to thrive in a team who share something more than a workplace.
A cake, for example :) Speaking of which… I’m rushing to the kitchen to treat myself to yet another slice.
